Thursday, July 19, 2012

Let the jobhunt begin....

I just got my employment authorization from the immigration. I can't help but feel anxious...

My career is starting all over, but at what specialty this time? Medical? Paralegal? Government? Administrative? Sales Support?

What would be the most ideal workplace for me that may entail at least once a year of traveling (aside from paid vacations) without neglecting my wifely duties? Something that would be financially lucrative but would not be too constricting? Something challenging but not too stressful?

I've experienced the best and the worst in employment. From the Bitch boss to the A-hole Boss, then there's the Best Boss, the corporate take-overs, layoffs, handling mundane tasks (customer service for an IT company I know nothing about) and fulfilling ones (sales analysis, presentation, writing for the newsletter, hitting sales team goals, participating in team-building activities).

In anticipation of the culture shock, I have to re-educate myself the following pointers learned from all my experiences:

Knowledge 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7 5 = 96%
hardwork  8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
Attitude - 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100% Having a pleasant disposition  - no grunting, sighing, should always be halfsmiling....

Knowledge and hardwork is important but coupled with the right attitude, work becomes easy peasy.

Get to know the corporate culture and office politics (do they wear scrubs? go light on makeup, comfy in jeans, too corporatey? wear branded clothing? go party on paydays? are they tech savvy? junk foodies?).

and most importantly....

follow instructions to a "T" Ha!


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