Wiccan Elizabeth Cheryl (left) practices her witchy woman ways on Josh Fernandez—and his burrito (it’s sage, actually).
Josh Fernandez is the Sacramento-based author of Spare Parts & Dismemberment.
I don’t believe in you, but I’m going to try, so let’s get this holy train rolling. The first time I read your book I was baked out of my mind. But you know that already. I lived in a disgusting studio in Boston’s South End with my father. Nineteen-years-old and I couldn’t stop eating Doritos. By the way, those things are so good when you’re stoned. It’s like that cheese does a little ballet dance on your tongue while making sweet, dirty love to your taste buds. Sorry. I remember finding your Bible on the bookshelf, flipping through Matthew. In the matter of an hour, I was engrossed, the whole front part of the book—those thin, little pages—stained in thick, orange cheese dust. I remember zoning out for hours and then suddenly hearing my dad rumbling up the stairs. He blasted through the door, contemplating the smoke-filled room, studying me as I lay on the bed, crooked, propped up against the wall with a Bible in my hand. He undid his hair tie, letting his long, gray ponytail fall onto his shoulders.
First, I talked to your exact opposite: Jim Boots (a.k.a. Evil Jim), a Satanist. I know what you’re thinking: “Damnit, Josh, Satanists make badass music.” And you’re right, they do—Mayhem, Cradle of Filth, Satyricon, Gorgoroth. Classic. Boots also makes great Satanic music in a band called Minenwarfer, so I sat down with him at his house in some forgettable suburb of Sacramento and asked him about the Satanic religion.
I’m afraid of everything. It’s true. Motorcycles, women, the nighttime, sharks: all scary as fuck. I’ve always wanted to be the kind of person who walks around, not giving a shit about anything, but the truth is I give a shit about everything. To a crippling degree. If I am to accept a religion (or philosophy), then I need one that will accommodate my cowardice and sensitivity.
What would Jesus dare?
So, Lord, I guess you’re happy to know that Satanism is not for me. Defeated, I talked with a Christian: Stuart Canton, a man who seemed much less insane than a lot of other Christians.
“I’m flattered to be considered a non-creepy Christian,” Canton said.
Karma doesn’t
have to be a bitch
As you know, Lord, Wicca is a confusing religion. It’s about nature, mostly, but I don’t get it. So I sat down with Elizabeth Cheryl who recently finished writing a novel called The Summerland, about a girl in Massachusetts who finds a spell book and casts herself back to the Salem witch trials.
Stuart Canton (above) dares Fernandez to find faith in non-creepy Christians
Buy the book
That threefold thing didn’t work. I’m still miserable, and on my day to check out Scientology I was not excited. When I opened the door to the little building on the corner of Eigth and I streets, the guy at the counter—a chubby 20-something with ill-fitting pants—looked surprised to see me.
Proudly, she showed me a picture of their new digs, right behind the K Street Mall. The modern building boasted large glass windows and lush greenery. It looked expensive.
“So you’re going to buy that book?” she asked.
On the way out, I looked into an empty room where a man sat perfectly still in an office chair, staring at a blank wall in complete darkness.
Peace, love and stomach rumblings
I confess, when I was younger, I thought Buddhism was a religion for people too lazy for faith. But, to be honest, the older I get, the more intriguing Buddhism becomes for that exact reason. So, I went to the Sacramento Buddhist Meditation Group, held at the B’nai Israel Synagogue, where many white people were waiting around in loose clothing for the meditation to begin. There was something about sitting in the auditorium of a Jewish synagogue in Land Park with a bunch of Caucasians that didn’t strike me as particularly Buddhist, but I wasn’t going to let my unjustified prejudice lead me astray.
Josh Fernandez
My Turn:
article was from Sacramento Bee http://www.newsreview.com/sacramento/are-you-there-god-its/content?oid=5511838
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