I am in love with a man who is so handsome, so nice, so smart, so funny, so spiritual, so loyal ( I am hoping..) ..its so scary.
I am scared for my heart, and for my life, for my family. Not because I know that he might hurt me someday, but for the fact that maybe, just maybe if I did not fight for him that I'd always be wondering what if?...
Yes, I'd rather find out what happens to me - good or bad, if I slug it out and fought. Than to always be safe, but never finding anything that few people ever hoped for...
I couldn't live without him. He is like the air that I breathe. He inspires me, makes me laugh, makes me smile, makes me cry, makes me feel loved. I am tired of searching.. of running away, of being on the safe side with the wrong guy, and not fighting for the right one.
I may not be the best daughter there is in this world. I even only go to mass when I feel like it, but I pray to God, Father-nothing is impossible with you. For whatever small deed I have done to please you, I implore you, please, make it happen...
I just love him so much...
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