Thursday, August 3, 2006

The Five People You Meet in Heaven


The old adage 'Never judge a book by its cover' holds true for this book. 

I often pass by this book thinking it was some tantra when out of the blue, I just grabbed a copy and started reading right from the bookshelf. 

I couldn't put it down.

I knew I had to get to the end of the old man's story. I immediately bought it, raised home and finished it in one sitting.The book has left me stunned long after I have closed it.

Not to reveal too much, it felt as if I was watching a Steven Spielberg version of "What Dreams May Come" (if ever you've seen that movie). I say no more. All in all, this has been the best fictional book I've ever read. It being a fiction has not deterred me to think who might be the 'five people' I'll meet someday.
5 stars!


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